Powerful Cross of Protection Necklace


Wear or carry for Protection against all evil, harm, jealousy—so you can be strong and blessed. Protects you against all trouble, bad luck, spells & curses, all danger, gossip, hoodoo, and from people who pretend to be your friends (enemies).
Feel free, joyous and cleansed of all negative forces—so you can stop suffering and be happy!

SKU: J4509 Category:


Wear or carry this Powerful Cross of Protection Pendant for Protection against all evil, harm, jealousy—so you can be strong and blessed. Protects you against all trouble, bad luck, spells & curses, all danger, gossip, hoodoo, and from people who pretend to be your friends (enemies).

Feel free, joyous and cleansed of all negative forces—so you can stop suffering and be happy!


Wear or carry as a pocket piece                                                                                                                    *Comes with black neck rope


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