Obatala Orisha Candle


Obatalá is the kindly father of all the orishas and all humanity. He is also the owner of all heads and the mind. Though it was Olorun who created the universe, it is Obatalá who is the creator of the world and humanity. Obatalá is the source of all that is pure, wise peaceful and compassionate. He has a warrior side though through which he enforces justice in the world. His color is white which is often accented with red, purple and other colors to represent his/her different paths. This candle promotes peace, purity and heals problems of the head. Best day to light this candle is Thursday. He rules all white things as well as the human head and bones. Burn this candle for pain relief and spiritual guidance.


Obatalá is the kindly father of all the orishas and all humanity. He is also the owner of all heads and the mind. Though it was Olorun who created the universe, it is Obatalá who is the creator of the world and humanity. Obatalá is the source of all that is pure, wise peaceful and compassionate. He has a warrior side though through which he enforces justice in the world. His color is white which is often accented with red, purple and other colors to represent his/her different paths. This candle promotes peace, purity and heals problems of the head. Best day to light this candle is Thursday. He rules all white things as well as the human head and bones. Burn this candle for pain relief and spiritual guidance.

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Quantity/Specially Dressed & Fixed

One Blessed Candle, Three Blessed Candles, One Blessed, Dressed, and Fixed Candle


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