Lucky Mojo Bean


Mojo Wish Beans are associated with the Spirit Realm, and are traditional offerings to Ancestors & Spirits. Carry this Lucky Mojo Bean on your person 7 days, focusing on one wish, as an aid in manifesting your specific desire.  On the 7th day, throw the bean into a crossroads or into a body of moving water.  Walk, away, don’t look back, and see your wildest dreams come true! Some also choose to hang onto these wish beans as Lucky Talismans (can be carried in your pocket, purse, or wallet) to attract abundance, prosperity, money, wealth, & general good fortune.

SKU: H1000 Category:


Mojo Wish Beans are associated with the Spirit Realm, and are traditional offerings to Ancestors & Spirits. Carry this Lucky Mojo Bean on your person 7 days, focusing on one wish, as an aid in manifesting your specific desire.  On the 7th day, throw the bean into a crossroads or into a body of moving water.  Walk, away, don’t look back, and see your wildest dreams come true! Some also choose to hang onto these wish beans as Lucky Talismans (can be carried in your pocket, purse, or wallet) to attract abundance, prosperity, money, wealth, & general good fortune.


WARNING: These herbs are rare commodities. Please Note that prices are subject to change at any time. This is due to wide fluctuation in pricing from various vendors, due to lack of availability at any given time.


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