Burn this combination of very powerful incenses to give you, your home, and your family the most pure and holy blessings attainable. This incense was used by kings, African Rulers, and the three wisemen to achieve Peace, Power and Prosperity! It has also been used since the time of Jesus Christ in casting out and driving away all evil demons, spirits, and enemies. Cleanse your surroundings and get rid of evil conditions using this powerful incense.
Frankincense is a fragrant attractant which brings untold blessings of abundance and prosperity. Ancient cultures used to believe that frankincense calms and relaxes you, as it banishes all negative energy from you and your surroundings. This powerful incense will bless you and your home. Myrrh helps to drive away all evil spirits so you can be cleansed, protected, and free from all suffering and harm.
You must use Charcoal -6 Discs per package- to burn Frank & Myrrh Incense, for fast and easy burning. Instructions are included. (Charcoal- Item No. M1020)
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