Elegua Orisha Candle


Burn the Elegua Candle to keep away all evil and evil influences from your life.
When burning this candle please say the following Prayer:

To you, Lord of the Roads Glorious Warrior, immortal Prince, I raise this humble request; Keep the evil away from my home and keep my home safe from evil in my absence, and when I am present, when I am awake and when I am sleeping. Accept my daily prayer to the great Olofi asking his eternal Blessing for (PLEASE SAY YOUR CONDITION OR DESIRE)


Burn the Elegua Candle to keep away all evil and evil influences from your life. When burning this candle please say the following Prayer:

To you, Lord of the Roads Glorious Warrior, immortal Prince, I raise this humble request; Keep the evil away from my home and keep my home safe from evil in my absence, and when I am present, when I am awake and when I am sleeping. Accept my daily prayer to the great Olofi asking his eternal Blessing for (PLEASE SAY YOUR CONDITION OR DESIRE)

Orisha Candles are $10.95 each – Buy a Special Fixed, Dressed and Blessed Candle for $15.00.

Additional information

Quantity/Specially Dressed & Fixed

One Blessed Candle, Three Blessed Candles, One Blessed, Dressed, and Fixed Candle


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