
Blessed Virgin Sheepskin Parchment Paper is ideal for writing out your desires or intentions. Works extra strong to make your desires come true! May be carried, anointed with oil, or placed underneath a Blessed Spiritual Candle.

SKU: M1003 Category:


Use this Blessed Virgin Sheepskin Parchment paper to make all your desires come true! Write your intentions on this Blessed Parchment and watch as your dreams become your reality! Can be anointed with any of the Reverend Moses Spiritual Oils or placed under any of our Blessed Candles to complete your ritual and bring your wishes to you!

This is pure sheepskin to help make your wishes and desires more powerful. Very rare, indeed.

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One 2.5×4 Sheepskin Parchment, One 8×10 Sheepskin Parchment


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